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Good evening. For your visual enjoyment, here's two beautiful creatures, but use discretion as to which one you want to hold and cuddle. The one in heels is the Toil Girl of the month of November and her name is Vicki.


Coming up with a theme for Vicki's portrait was a no-brainer for her. She absolutely loves white tigers to the point of having one permanently placed over her heart. As a matter of fact, all fashion decisions were made by her--from her nighttime attire down to the French tip toenails. I appreciate her making my job that much easier and I love when a portrait is a true joint effort. It's a piece of art she will own for eternity so she might as well help design it to her personal satisfaction.


A couple weeks ago the lovely Miss V. sent me an email reminding me that I earmarked November to be HER month in The Spotlight because this is the month of her birth. I asked her to set aside a bit of time to compose a few words to help you art patrons out there find out who Vicki is and what the portrait represents to her. She gleefully agreed to do so and even designated which day she would write it. Within those three or four days she lost a very close--if not thee closest--person in her life. For obvious reasons I haven't heard back from Vicki since hearing of her loss, but to her I'd like to extend my support and sorrow for that loss.


I would also like to thank her for the generous gesture of approaching me and for having enough confidence in my abilities to hire me to manifest her awesome idea. Peace to you Vicki.

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