
Who be-ith thy fair maiden who rests most casually within such a magnificent clam shell? Tina Castle? Well may I offer you a goddess's welcome into the Toil Girls family of fetching femmes! And how did her and I arrive at this particular theme? By Tina planting these seeds of inspiration in my brain, that's how:
"In thinking about concepts, I have had a heck of of time pinning something down. LOL!
I guess if I were to describe myself I would say I'm a dorky, quirky, boho, hippie, ocean girl that may or may not accessorize with seashells, sunflowers, and starfish. Is that a thing?? LOL!"
Tina, if it's not a thing it is now--and thank you for bringing that "thing" here!
Bon voyage and smooth drifting into the beautiful dream world of the lucky many that lay their gaze upon your portrait.
bbw art classic pinup art les toil sexy art pinup girl art gil elvgren george petty antonio vargas Toil Girls
Inducted 08/24