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The above bountiful beauty is an extremely recognizable face and body around the BBW scene (and beyond) and her name is Nicole. This rhinestone hottie is the toast of Hollywood but she hails from Texas where EVERYthing is big and spectacular. I came to know her as one of my employers from the sexy size-positive periodical known as BOdacious Magazine. She helped to develop the glossy publication that was created by the ever-prolific king of abundance Zik Ukaeje. My job was to create eye-gasmic images of large and lovely ladies--not too different than the sexy specimens you see in my gallery now.


Since Nicole is a frequent visitor of Las Vegas and loves the place immensely, it was only fitting she request I render her as a glamorous Vegas show girl with some of the more recognizable tools of temptation that many a men have lost their shirts to. I love to create montage scenes as I've always been inspired by classic old tattoo art with a circular and centralized design. Floating dice, slithering snakes, praying hands, martini glasses, bleeding hearts--it's all good.


Hugs and high-fives to Nicole and the Zik man for the extremely fun stint with BOdacious Magazine. And an even bigger thanks for allowing me to go crazy with the sparkles and glows and other delicious detail that went in to this portrait.

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