Hey-ho, let's go, puny mortals! Kneel down and praise at the shiny bitch boots of the omnipotent punk goddess known far and wide as Jewels.Sheena used to be a punk rocker but she got up in age and had to throw the gauntlet down to our latest Toil temptress from Texas. Not much is known about Jewels other than the fact she rocks rather hard in her punk band slaying audiences far and wide with her badass black Epiphone guitar.
And speaking of punky demeanor, those red leather pants with the bad attitude are one of Jewels' choicest articles of clothing and their presence in this pin-up was mandatory. Same goes for the above-mentioned bitch boots and handcuffs (although I think that accessory is mainly for indoor attire). The teddy bear simply represents her adoration for them, which I understand she has many of. Jewels also sports a very chilling spider web tattoo on her back which I included in this portrait, but unfortunately she'd have to turn around for you to see it. That was a joke.
My original intention was for Jewels' portrait to look like a classic piece of tattoo art. You know, like a sexy bikini girl dancing on a pair of giant dice with a banner surrounding her that might read something like "Roxanne 4ever & ever". But instead Jewels' pin-up incarnated into a shrine-like scenario equip with red floor lights of unknown origin. Definitely much hotter than my original idea. Plus it was a sheer joy to have so many different light sources to bounce off of her leather pants, boots and guitar.
Jewels, keep rippin' up stages with your music and devilishly good looks, and don't forget to thank your extremely cool and generous boyfriend Ferdy for giving me the opportunity to create such a stellar piece of anarchy art.